Hampden County Beekeepers July "BeeBQ"
When: Saturday, July 28th at 2pm
Where: The home of Len Elie
1467 Main Rd. (Route 57)
Len will be serving hamburgers, hot dogs and soft drinks. The rest of us can pitch in by bringing a side, salad or dessert. Please let me know what you plan to bring when you RSVP.
Len will lead a round table discussion where we can all talk about our bees and what’s going on in our hives.
BYOB if you like
If you plan to attend, please RSVP by Tuesday July 24th
RSVP to Jessica Martin by email jessicapulse@gmail.com or
Phone 860-978-5388. Texts are OK too. Include your name, the number of people attending, and what you plan to bring.